
DHT22 High Accuracy Humidity and Temperature Sensor

SKU: EC-010402
Stock: 976

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DHT22 High Accuracy digital temperature and humidity sensor (Also known as AM2302)

See How-To Information and more Here.

AM2302 Product Overview

The AM2302 digital temperature and humidity sensor is a digital device providing a calibrated temperature and humidity output .It uses a dedicated digital module with advanced temperature and humidity sensor technology.

This ensures a product with high reliability and excellent long term stability.

The Sensor consists of an electric capacity -style sensor of humidity and  two NTC temperature measurement devices, combined with a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller. Therefore, the product has excellent quality, fast response, anti-interference ability, low cost and other advantages.

AM2302 sensors are extremely accurate because of individual calibration in a humidity chamber. Calibration coefficients are stored in non-volatile onboard memory. The sensor data and signal processing in the detection process calls upon these calibration coefficients. A Single- wire serial interface allows the system to be simple and easier to interface.

Ultra-small size, low power consumption, and a signal transmission distance up to 20 meters, make it a good choice for a wide range of applications and demanding applications. 

 PinOut: 1-VCC 2-Signal 4- Gnd



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