LCD Display Blue 2004 (20x4) IIC, I2C, TWI
Stock: 34
LCD Display Blue 2004 (20x4) IIC, I2C, TWI
This display has 4 lines of 20 characters each, giving you much more display capability than 16x2
How-To Information, Example Software Sketch Here
This display uses a 2-wire communications method called "IIC", "I2C" "I squared C", and "TWI". All these mean the same thing. This a serial protocol that supports multiple devices on the same 2-wire bus (Plus Voltage and Ground, of course). See the How-To for details.
Quality 2004 LCD screen, blue and white, clear display
Controllable backlight can be controlled by jumper, you can also program control Screen display and adjustable contrast
5V power supply, the device address 0x27
Dimensions are: 9.8cm (3 7/8in) x 6cm (2 3/8in).
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