
MAKERSPACE Workshop:Microcomputer Engineering Kit

SKU: SS-040380
Stock: 88

Quantity: 25+50+100+
Price: $70.00$68.00$65.00
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This kit is designed for Workshops to learn about Arduino, Sensors, Actuators, Coding and Design.  It is also suitable for personal use by people who want to learn a lot about designing things with Arduino.

See the free online HOW-TO / curriculum HERE (click)


 This YourDuino Kit is often used in MakerSpaces, Schools and University Engineering courses. See How-To / Lessons HERE

Larger quantities may require 2 to 3 weeks lead time. Email  SCHOOLS please note: This is your applicable discount;. It is not in addition to the Educational Discount. Pick "US POSTAL SERVICE HongKong" and we will Ship Priority Mail from Vermont USA to USA ADDRESSES. SHIPS to North America only at this time.

This kit Includes the following features and comes in a heavy-duty case:

    • YourDuinoRoboRED Arduino-UNO-compatible with built-in 3-pin I/O connectors, higher-current 5.0V and 3.3V supply (SEE DETAILS HERE)

 (Updated 8/15)

  • 1 - BlueTooth Radio remote interface: connect to Smartphones etc.
  • 5 - Big push-button switches [Digital Input]
  • 2 - 10K Potentiometers that fit breadboard well  [Analog Input]
  • 2 - 10K PhotoResistors (Light sensors)   [Analog Input]
  • 2 - 10K Thermistors (Temperature Sensors) [Analog Input]
  • 1 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor [Digital Signal Input]
  • 1 - JoyStick Module {Analog Input]
  • 1 - Digital temperature sensor DS18B20 [Digital Signal Input]
  • 1 - LCD Display 2 lines of 16 characters [Signal Output]
  • 50 - LEDs - 5 assorted colors, plus 10 220 ohm resistors (below) [Digital or Analog Output]
  • 1 - Red-Green-Blue Multicolor LED  [Digital or Analog Output]
  • 1 - Buzzer Module (makes sound with voltage applied) [Digital Output]
  • 1 - Beeper Module (Makes different sounds/tones with Arduino TONE Library) [Analog Output]
  • 1 - Servo Motor (Mechanical positioning from digital pulses] [Digital Signal Output]
  • 1 - Small Stepper Motor with driver board [Digital Signal Output]
  • 1 - DC Motor small 5V
  • 1-  Power Transistor NFET (Can control DC motor, other large DC loads)
  • 2 - 3-pin cables to 3-pin connectors that fit the Robo1 and various Electronic Bricks etc.
  • 2 - 3-pin cable to separate wire ends that connect the Robo1 to any device
  • 1 - USB Cable (50cm)
  • 1 - 40 wide flat rainbow color cable that can be separated to make many different cables
  • 2 - 40 pin strips that can be separated to connect cables to breadboard and other devices
  • 10 - each 220 ohm resistors (LED current limit etc.) and 10K resistors (switch pullups etc.)
  • 1 - 8cm high-quality Breadboard with power and ground strips


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