SPECIAL ORDER Waterproof DS18B20 Custom Length cable / special packaging: stainless steel encapsulated temperature sensor(DS18B20)
Stock: 14
WE HAVE A GOOD DIRECT RELATIONSHIP WITH THE BEST FACTORY FOR TEMPERATURE SENSORS. We can have CUSTOM LENGTH Cables with Waterproof stainless steel encapsulated temperature sensor (DS18B20) made. Custom lengths must be ordered in quantity of 250 or more.
BRANDING / PACKAGING: We can arrange for your packaging and branding: typically sensor in ziplock plastic bag with custom label. Minimum quantity 500 of a type.
EMAIL terry@yourduino.com for quote.
Probe with temperature sensor DS18B20 (DETAILED INFORMATION HERE)
This is an electronic thermometer which has high accuracy over a wide range (accurate to ±0.5°C over the range of -10°C to +85°C). You can locate these thermometer chips up to 100M away from your Arduino, over just 2 wires. Multiple thermometers can be connected on the same wire because every one has it's own internal address.
High-quality stainless steel anti-rust waterproof package (Exact SS Type is not known)
Stainless steel housing (6 * 30mm), overall length to end of wire 6m
Exposed straight round Stainless Steel section about 19mm before rounded end starts.
3.0V ~ 5.5V power supply
9 to 12-bit adjustable resolution
Wide temperature range -55 ℃ ~ +125 ℃
No external components, unique "1-wire" interface
Output leads: red (VCC), blue or white or yellow (DATA), black (GND) Stripped, Tinned leads